Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The mystery of why o.b. tampons went missing...

So... whether you call it "that time of the month", "Aunt Flow", or "the evil witch"...

Your period, is something most women (and men lol) look forward to each month (please insert sarcasm).

Everyone has there own specific brand of products they use, but apparently O.b. tampons have went missing... (Maybe you guys know someone that can pull some strings to bring them back LMAO... I had to say it)

My first instinct was good... thoes are the ones with no applicator... who uses them anyway, yuck lol.

Well unbeknown to me, people do use them and are REALLY faithful to them. (ha what a surprise!)

So I found this article about what happened. Take a peak if your interested.
credit MSNBC

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