"....black college graduates with a BA earn less than white graduates with an Associate’s degree"
"In 2008, the mean annual income of blacks with a four-year degree was more than $13,000 less than that of whites with the same level of education. And blacks who had a master’s earned about $1,500 a year less than whites with a bachelor’s degree."
"In my experience, the majority of blacks in college (with whom I graduated) make no attempt to alter their dress and speech patterns to conform with the mainstream white collar society they ostensibly seek to enter with their degree. Dressing sensibly and speaking coherently would be “akkin white.”"
-Quotes from article
This article is very interesting... I actually wrote a paper about this topic while in Grad school ( email me if you want to see it).
Seems as though, we still have a fight on our hands... I believe we as blacks need to start and continue to push ourselves. I believe we will eventually even out as more and more people become less bias to what a person looks like and more about what that person can do.
I personally LOVE my HBCU and would not trade the experience and the friendships for anything. It definitely gives one a sense of pride to be around people that look like you and can think critically like you. Can I get an AMEN?!
The discussion on this topic I believe lies deeply rooted in our education system. We as American's ( Black Americans) have MANY different issues with the system... Here is just a few:
A) Underachievement- SN (side note)-Students in other countries go into school not becasue they have to but becasue they know what an education means. They understand success. They understand failure. They understand hard work. The expectation is set by the time the are in school. We... Nope we try and say ohhh little Johhny is so cute, look at him color, look how good he is at basketball, listen how he raps lil wayne lyrics... but little Johnny is 5 and dosnt know how to spell his name, his address, his birthday, his alphabet, use his imagination, cout to 20. ( this is not an exageration!)
B) Money *SN- Why is it I have two computers in my class from 1998 with slow internet, an overhead projector from 1978, books that are tathered and outdated and with wrong information and curse words witten in them ( in an urban city school district) and 5 miles down the street in the suburban public district has Laptop carts ( a laptop for each child) with wireless internet, several math and reading applications for independent instruction already installed on the computers, and LCD overhead projector, a bathroom in each classroom 9 less class time and instruction time missed), a paraprofessional ( aide) in each class, a new school book for yeah grade for each student for each subject EVERY year! [This is not an exaggeration!!]
C) Time- Self explanatory. We dont nessarily need longer days, although it wouldn't hurt, but we need more on curriculum time. Teachers in other country's do not take attendance, have lunch duty, recess duty, bus duty- They use this time to plan.
D) crowded classrooms *SN- I applied to a private school that had two teachers and 16 students in each classroom! ummm yeah 30 kids in a small crowded room with no heat/ air is not working for our failing students...SMDH. We will NOT get ahead with this. MARK MY WORDS!
E) Motivation of students *SN- As a teacher I should not have entain you as a students to educate you! You should come to school respect what I am trying to teach you listen and have responsibility enough to grow and engage is this education process that many people in the world wish they could have!
F) I think that's enough for now lol- Sorry about the ramble and soap box... It needed to be said.
Anyway read the article and comment.
Click link below... The comments on this article are also interesting. Kudos to them for starting the conversation.
Black + Educated = Still Inferior « Clutch Magazine
*Thankx Ms. Gantt for the heads up on the article
There are several typos. I apologize.