Monday, February 28, 2011

Meet the World's Hairiest Girl | The Sun |News

Meet the World's Hairiest Girl | The Sun |News

How to Make Oatmeal . . . Wrong -

"McDonald’s latest offering, their “bowl full of wholesome” — also known as oatmeal. "

"the McDonald’s product contains more sugar than a Snickers bar and only 10 fewer calories than a McDonald’s cheeseburger or Egg McMuffin"
-Quotes from the article

Click link for story.

How to Make Oatmeal . . . Wrong -

McDonalds should be in jail with the lies they"feed" us.

And I thought they were getting better... smh guess not.

44 year old women naked in a childs closet

What in the world..... I just dont get it.

A grown women (40) and a child (16) having a relationship... and lets not talk about the hair.

I cant. Nope. I just don't see how this made sense to them.

Black Beauty Queen Homeless

Times are rough for everybody. Sad, but I hope she does well in the Miss USA pageant.

SN: She has got to get the weave together...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Black + Educated = Still Inferior « Clutch Magazine

" college graduates with a BA earn less than white graduates with an Associate’s degree"

"In 2008, the mean annual income of blacks with a four-year degree was more than $13,000 less than that of whites with the same level of education. And blacks who had a master’s earned about $1,500 a year less than whites with a bachelor’s degree."

"In my experience, the majority of blacks in college (with whom I graduated) make no attempt to alter their dress and speech patterns to conform with the mainstream white collar society they ostensibly seek to enter with their degree. Dressing sensibly and speaking coherently would be “akkin white.”"

-Quotes from article

This article is very interesting... I actually wrote a paper about this topic while in Grad school ( email me if you want to see it).

Seems as though, we still have a fight on our hands... I believe we as blacks need to start and continue to push ourselves. I believe we will eventually even out as more and more people become less bias to what a person looks like and more about what that person can do.

I personally LOVE my HBCU and would not trade the experience and the friendships for anything. It definitely gives one a sense of pride to be around people that look like you and can think critically like you. Can I get an AMEN?!

The discussion on this topic I believe lies deeply rooted in our education system. We as American's ( Black Americans) have MANY different issues with the system... Here is just a few:

A) Underachievement- SN (side note)-Students in other countries go into school not becasue they have to but becasue they know what an education means. They understand success. They understand failure. They understand hard work. The expectation is set by the time the are in school. We... Nope we try and say ohhh little Johhny is so cute, look at him color, look how good he is at basketball, listen how he raps lil wayne lyrics... but little Johnny is 5 and dosnt know how to spell his name, his address, his birthday, his alphabet, use his imagination, cout to 20. ( this is not an exageration!)

B) Money *SN- Why is it I have two computers in my class from 1998 with slow internet, an overhead projector from 1978, books that are tathered and outdated and with wrong information and curse words witten in them ( in an urban city school district) and 5 miles down the street in the suburban public district has Laptop carts ( a laptop for each child) with wireless internet, several math and reading applications for independent instruction already installed on the computers, and LCD overhead projector, a bathroom in each classroom 9 less class time and instruction time missed), a paraprofessional ( aide) in each class, a new school book for yeah grade for each student for each subject EVERY year! [This is not an exaggeration!!]

C) Time- Self explanatory. We dont nessarily need longer days, although it wouldn't hurt, but we need more on curriculum time. Teachers in other country's do not take attendance, have lunch duty, recess duty, bus duty- They use this time to plan.

D) crowded classrooms *SN- I applied to a private school that had two teachers and 16 students in each classroom! ummm yeah 30 kids in a small crowded room with no heat/ air is not working for our failing students...SMDH. We will NOT get ahead with this. MARK MY WORDS!

E) Motivation of students *SN- As a teacher I should not have entain you as a students to educate you! You should come to school respect what I am trying to teach you listen and have responsibility enough to grow and engage is this education process that many people in the world wish they could have!

F) I think that's enough for now lol- Sorry about the ramble and soap box... It needed to be said.

Anyway read the article and comment.

Click link below... The comments on this article are also interesting. Kudos to them for starting the conversation.

Black + Educated = Still Inferior « Clutch Magazine

*Thankx Ms. Gantt for the heads up on the article

Thursday, February 24, 2011

New Music


New music had to check this out... Kanye said, " Best video of 2011"

I disagree.. I think he was being funny, but here it is. (It is quite interesting tho)


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Controversial Anti-Abortion Billboard Shocks SoHo Residents -

This right here... MAN OH MAN!!!

I have so many opinions about it... I have so many feelings about it.

SIDE NOTE- I'm pro choice. I believe that every female should have the responsibility to do what they please and how they see fit. I bleieve if the government starts to tell us how to live our lives they must then pick up the tab for raising this child.

Anyway I digress, I found this billboard to be highly offensive, but at the same time it sheds light on abortion in the black community (in the wrong way). I believe people like myself and other black females will start thinking more about the decisions and actions they are choosing to participate in and the conscious of what this ad is trying to convey. The article states that African American women have a 59% rate of abortion in NY... Not good at all.

I believe yes this message was harsh and that what I believe they were going for, it worked, congrats to them. I also believed that they could have showcased this same message a different way.

Anyway read the article, I could talk (write) for days about this. I wanna hear what you have to say.

Click link below for article.

Controversial Anti-Abortion Billboard Shocks SoHo Residents -

Six Questions for Comedian Kevin Hart - Tamara Warren - Street Savvy - Forbes

Mr. Funny man himself.... Kevin Hart is killlin the comedy game right now.

If you didn't know he was featured in two different commercials for two different products.

YUP YUP... doing it big in 2011.

Anyway check my hometown Philly representer Kevin Hart in his interview below.

Six Questions for Comedian Kevin Hart - Tamara Warren - Street Savvy - Forbes

Arrest of Malcolm Xs Daughter Casts Another Shadow on His Legacy - BV Black Spin

Click here for the link.

Arrest of Malcolm Xs Daughter Casts Another Shadow on His Legacy - BV Black Spin

This is sad. SMH.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


So Mr. Anthony is going to NY...

What yall think?... I actually like Carmelo as a person and he is great ball player.

Im excited about NY on the come up?

Great basketball gonna b on TV.

check his website :

The Game | Videos | Video

Just in case you missed any of the episodes... I did and refused to watch any until I caught up lol

ur welcome :)

The Game | Videos | Video

ummm... so what do yall think of the changes so far? I will post a comment as soon as I catch up?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Speak On It

Let me first begin with THESE ARE NOT MY WORDS!!!!

This letter, however is an opinion of one person who is anonymous and feels a certain way about black men. I however agree with them on some points and completely disagree with him/her on other points... Read for yourself and comment on how you feel.

Please read the entire letter, I know its long but.... read it. Its deep.


Dear Mr. Black man,

I hate you. You murdered my family. Instead of putting a gun to their heads you chose an arsenal of apathy, disregard and unadulterated selfishness to assassinate them. Do you remember them? No, of course not. You were too busy being a stereotype to notice. The sad part is that we come from the same family. You and I are same. I know, I’m just another uptight, irascible black woman bringing down the black man. I’m know, I’m being too hard on a brother. Sure, put the blame on me since you won’t step up to the plate and take personal responsibility. Yeah, I said it. I’m not scared! I don’t care about airing dirty laundry— laundry that you sullied.

Don’t you want to know how you murdered the black family? Well for starters you began having children by several “baby mama’s” and refused to take care of them. Those children—YOUR offspring-- are forced to grow up without a father. You couldn’t save yourself to marry that one special Queen God designed for you. You had to bang them all. Look what your lecherous behavior has cost us. Did you ever think about the consequences of your actions? I shudder to mention all those abortions you convinced your other girlfriends to have all because you didn’t feel like taking care of the children you enjoyed making. You started treating yourself like a buck—some kind of animal just screwing around with so many women without any commitment. Then you met women who loved you and in return for her love you left her the STDs that you got from your life of unbridled lust and promiscuity. How many women have you slept with? And at such a young age. But of course a real man is defined by his conquests. So just how many women have you screwed…over?

You are the reason for our disgrace. You are the statistics that are stack against our people. You’ve done things to our race that white people couldn’t begin to. You live up to the term nigger and I’m tired of defending you. I’m tired of blaming the media and racism for everything that you aren’t. I’m tired of making excuses for your behavior, while you act like everything this society says we are.

I’m not through yet. You annihilated us so cavalierly. You started off being allergic to clean living. You refused to get an education, because of the “easy and fast” money in the street. After all you can make more killing your brothers and sisters with dope, than you can in school. Then when all the hustle caught up with you, you were thrown into prison. Congratulations, now you have added having the highest incarceration of any other race to your repertoire. You must be so proud. Do you even remember all the crimes you committed? The brothers in the street you beat up or even killed for looking at you the wrong way. I know—I know you were just trying to get respect right? See you believe respect and fear is the same thing. How can you beat your brother like we were beaten in the days of slavery? How could you take the life of someone who looks like you? And all over…NOTHING! Or maybe you didn’t do it. But your boy did and you keep hanging with him. Stick by you’re homeboy no matter what right?

Perhaps you haven’t done all of the above, but you listen to music that glamorizes it. Regardless of whether you purchased it, you still blare it in you car, memorizing its message, internalizing its insidious lyrics. To you and your music I’m just a B****. How can you call me that when I’m the same one who brought you into existence? I wanted great things for you. I raised you all by myself when your father left. Yet your music says I’m just a whore. You rob me. You rape me. You produce filth and dare to call it music. You set such horrible examples.

Speaking of examples, I remember all the time you spent putting together that demo tape thinking you gonna become a top selling (so called) artist. Or all the times you spent on the court practicing to be the next Jordan. Or all the time on the field, instead of in the books because you thought you were going to play for the NFL. When I approached you about it to try to encourage you, you told me there weren’t any good black examples. You believed the lie that the only way a black man can have money legally is if he is a sports player or entertainer. I challenged you to be the example that you are seeking and you laughed at me.

When I see you in college (congrats for making it even if it wasn’t based on your academic merit but on your sports abilities) you’re not studying. You’re smoking blunts on the bridge of OUR college with your boys. You’re clubbing and partying and rapping. You’re never apart of the prestigious honor societies. I never see you in those meetings. I can’t recall seeing you at the science conference, or the college’s mentor’s club. And your grades are deplorable! You chill all day in the student union and then you drop out because it’s too hard. Because you just won’t try harder. Because your expecting people to just give you what you refuse to work for.

So you say “I’m not like that.” I’ve graduated with dignity. I am a doctor or lawyer or engineer. But when you actually accomplish something that goes against your stereotype you brag and you get a big ego and you suddenly become too good for me--too good for us. You go out and seek a white wife. It is with her that you share all of your assets. It is she who mothers the children that will carry on your legacy--a legacy separate from mine. And those children will grow up to give up on us too. They will have no African self-consciousness. They won’t know of the Maafa or our great heritage, because you didn’t (couldn’t) teach them. They will also marry white and their children, and their children, until our race is obliterated.

As for the black woman, we are tired of waiting for you. We become victims of the black man shortage that your unchecked behavior has caused. You have forced us to choose between a lifetime of loneliness or marriage outside of the race. Oh don’t say we don’t wait for you to clean up your act. We waited to love you. To marry you and only you. To be true to you and raise your legacy. But you hate us. You say we are goldiggers or that we are impossible to please. You say that you’re white woman status symbol is better than we are. Only she can understand your plight even though her ancestors are responsible for it. Thus you commit racism against your own people—your own women. You leave us disillusioned, hurt, vulnerable, and angry and you take no responsibility for it.

I hate you. I hate you for hating me and putting me down and being ashamed of me. I hate you for exploiting me. I hate you for what you have become and for what you have not become. I hate you for living up to what this society expects of you. I hate you for lying, deceiving, cheating, and hustling. I hate you for your promiscuity, black on black violence, suicide, and homosexuality. I hate you for your misogyny. I hate you for your lack of consciousness. I hate you for your lack of spirituality. I hate you for your indifference. And even if I could somehow forgive you for these betrayals, I hate you most of all for murdering my family. You murder OUR family. You murder us!

The black woman—your former queen


Sunday, February 20, 2011

LaBrons new cartoon

Hey people.. I came across this new cartoon that bball player Mr. James will be staring in.

I think its a really cool thing for him to do.

Credit Global Grind---> Debuting in early spring 2011 exclusively on the Web, it is a family entertainment show designed to provide positive messages to today’s youth and young adults. It will tackle a wide variety of subjects, including family, teamwork, friendship, giving back to the community, staying in school, staying out of trouble all done in an edgy, fresh and relatable way.

A portion of proceeds from the series will be used for the purchase of HP computers powered by Intel® CoreTM processors, to be donated to Boys & Girls Clubs of America in support of its education initiatives.

Friday, February 18, 2011

'Black Thanksgiving' commences in L.A. this weekend -

'Black Thanksgiving' commences in L.A. this weekend -

This article struck a cord with me. It talks about All star weekend being really lavish and a homecoming of sorts for the black community.

Granted I'm always super hype, but I'm also a big fan of basketball. I get the schedule and follow along all weekend.

Read the article and see if you can relate...

Ball players wanna be rappers and rappers wanna be ball players... ALSO 85% of the NBA are black...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Hey just came across these t shirt that are on sale... So cute...

Remember a few months ago when the video was supper popular... well now they have t shirt... I might get one for my goddaughter. Happy Black history month!!

Here it is if you have been living under a rock!

What if..

Im a huge Jordan fan... I started playing almost because of him!!..

Anyway found this video of THE best player my generation has seen, he is talking about the what would the NBA be like if he were playing...

check him out.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New Music

Trina and Mya

TRINA--"Can I" ft. Mya by

Chris Breezy

Thought this was cool...

check out Chris... must say he is very talented.

Breezy ... Superbowl Weekend from Mechanical Dummy on Vimeo.

Janet Jackson

For those who care.... Janet or Ms. Jackson if ur nasty...has a new book coming out.

The previews for it sound good. I might have to sit at Barnes and Noble and skim through it... (Don't try an act like you don't do that either!!!)

Anyway, here is a clip about her talking about her book and her brother.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

P.S. Janet is on tour in China and a friend of mine dates the keyboard player... and we still couldn't get tickets to the DC tour date... amazing. Her loyal (and rich) fans paid out the ass for those tickets, maybe next time.


If you didnt already... Go pick up Wale CD.. trust me you will not be disappointed.

Dis song right here.... Shades ft Chrisette Michelle... WOW the lyrics. I can relate on so many levels.

Just listen to the words... Now someone please explain why this song didn't get airplay?

Why cant we appreciate good music? Rap music when women are not called BITCH... When Rap is positive and reflective and talks about love???

Sorry but this slight oversight is ridiculous... WHAT DO YALL THINK??

oh and P.S.
Here is another song off his last album... Beautiful Bliss

And new shit--- Break up Song...

Now someone tell me whats out right now in rap thats killin it and staying positive??? I really wanna know...

New Music

New video alert...

J Cole new music videos... I personally think he is on Jay Z level with his rhymes...
Lyrically people need to pay attention.. anyway enjoy.

In The Morning- Love the lyrics... video is just ok

Who Dat- Again the lyrics.. CRAZY

P.S. Im in Love with J Cole and Wale... I missed there tour in Columbus but love both of them, they actually talk about something in there songs.

Hold up Gotta post WALE new song as well....

Friday, February 11, 2011

Cutie Alert!!!!

So.... Ive noticed a new cutie... and his name happens to be Sean Garrett.

Yup and I hope you viewed his new video in my previous post "Feel Love" below bc this young man is FFFFFIIINNNEEE!!!! lol

The dark skin, the beautiful smile, the dimple... Yup we would make some gorgeous chocolate babies....

ahhhh...... I can dream cant I?! lol

Thursday, February 10, 2011

And the winner is???


Just last night Jesus Suttlesworth AKA Ray Allen ( real ballers member that movie) has passed Reggie Miller for the most 3 points made...

This is deff a good look and Im proud of him. A good person on and off the court.

New Music

Kinna feeling this song.. Check it out

Sean Garrett and J Cole - Feel love

Feel Love

Sean Garrett | Myspace Music Videos

Monday, February 7, 2011


So I saw this picture and thought two things...

1st - I was offended.

2nd - I started laughing... cause that is stuff we do use lol

Whatcha thinking, funny or not?

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Jamie Foxx

hey folks,

take a look at this funny video of Jamie.... He talks about everything from his new stand up comedy show, how he got into music and his new movie with Martin Lawrence.

Funny dude... and he had Monique down lol... YES BABY YES!!!


Hey folks,

This bullying stuff is outta control.
I blame the parents, students, and the school.

This kid was from Philly and was teased because his mother is African with a strong accent and because he was small. He was drug accross the street and hung in a tree among other things.

This needs to stop asap! Im upset at the school and the bystanders who didnt do anything to help this kid/ When will we as a people step up and take charge. Its a shame, but I'm glad this kid is speaking out.

Anyway, here is the cutie kid on the view a few days back when he was surprised with some players from the Eagles. Good job guys!

Fucking Perfect

Hello folks,

I wasn't gonna post anything for awhile but I just saw this video and it moved me to tears. Really watch this video its really moving and the lyrics are good to hear as well.

The song and video is by the artist PINK called fucking perfect. I really like Pink and think she doesn't get the attention or credit she deserves. She has always put out thoughtful and strong songs.

It really spoke to me and I hope you take away what I did:
You don't need to change you are fine just the way you are. God made you just the way you are and you are special to him; everyone has there own niche in this world so find yours and partake in this journey of life.
